Today, I'm announcing the release of the new apartment system we've had on our backlog for quite some time. With this update, we wanted to give everyone a place to call home and store some of their belongings while ensuring that overworld houses retain their value.
- Apartment Buildings
Apartment buildings can be created dynamically by any management member. Each apartment building has a type (Small/Medium/Large) and a base apartment cost. An apartment building can have an unlimited number of apartments; however, players may own only one apartment per building. Upon creation, the apartment building will be assigned at least one default free interior, with the option to add unique interiors per building! As of now, apartment buildings cannot be owned.
- Apartment Types
There are currently three different types of apartments (and buildings). Apartment types are linked to the apartment buildings.
- Inventory size: 5
- Max Materials: 250,000
- Max Drugs: 200 each
- Inventory size: 10
- Max Materials: 500,000
- Max Drugs: 400 each
- Inventory size: 20
- Max Materials: 750,000
- Max Drugs: 600 each
Note: These values may change post-update. Just like real life, prices will fluctuate. Apartments and interiors can go up and down in price at any time.
- Apartments
Every player may own one apartment per building. Apartments are loaded and unloaded when a player joins or quits. You can /heal (upgradeable) in your apartment, spawn there, store your belongings, and more! Everyone will be able to claim a free small apartment across Unity Station as well!
- Interiors
ID 1
- - Interior name: Small apartment
- - Building type: All apartment buildings
- - Cost: $0


ID 2
- - Interior name: Small apartment
- - Building type: Medium apartment building
- - Cost: $5,000,000


ID 3
- - Interior name: Small apartment
- - Cost: $5,000,000


ID 4
- - Interior name: Small apartment
- - Cost: $5,000,000


ID 5
- - Interior name: Medium apartment
- - Building type: Large apartment building
- - Cost: $10,000,000


- Commands
- /traceapartmentbuilding
Alias: /trab
Description: Sets a checkpoint to the nearest apartment building.
- /traceapartment
Alias: /ta
Description: Sets a checkpoint to the apartment building containing the apartment.
- /apartments
Alias: /apts
Description: Lists apartments inside the apartment building.
- /myapartment
Alias: /apt - /apartment
Description: Manage your apartment.
- /aaptbuilding
Description: Manager+ command to manage and configure apartment buildings.
- Other Changes
- Added two new garage interiors.
- - Description: Average with office (ID 7)
- - Cost: $3,750,000

- - Description: Humongous (ID 8)
- - Cost: $15,000,000

- Backend object streamer improvements.
- Updated /houses to list apartments and houses separately.
- And more!
Special thanks to Davy, Depsi, and Kai for mapping the new interiors!